Sunday, April 1, 2012

6 months ago...

My son was 6 months old this last week and I am in disbelief how quickly the time has passed. I was looking back at his newborn pictures a little bit ago and then looked at some of the photos we took this afternoon and he looks like a completely different child (too me anyway!) To us, Greyson now looks like a little boy instead of the baby that he is. I want him to stay a baby forever but then again, I am so looking forward to when he can talk and tell me stories!

Here's a few pictures of our sweet little guy over the last 6 months.

10 days old.

5 weeks old.

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months we are today at 6 months!

He so handsome and I can't image my life without him now. (All moms/parents say this but now I know what they meant!)

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